Tag: theology
What Is Religion
In this bias I am going to lay out my general approach to religion and parareligion (or “secular religion”), mostly as a base to build off of in future articles. I want to establish a general framework that can be used to analyze religions and similar philosophical structures in a comparative way. I’ve always been…
The Romans Had Religion
This will be another hypothesis blog. I’ve done a few of them already, but basically, I’m going to lay out some ideas that I want to follow up on later, especially through research. For this subject I’ve already been pointed to a book that should be really useful — Belief and Cult by Jacob L.…
Against Atheism
What I want to respond to is the idea that faith is intrinsically bound to scripture, and I make this distinction because those without faith frequently see faith as shallow and self-deluded. This comes from an incorrect understanding of faith.
Against Dyson’s Feynman
One thing that I think Dyson gets quite wrong is his assertion that only Christianity is very interested in theology. To state this about the other Abrahamic religions is farcical, though I grant that Islamic and Jewish treatises on the nature of God may not have been available to him at the time he wrote…