Tag: ressentiment

  • Deleuze, Nietzsche, and a New Drive

    Deleuze, Nietzsche, and a New Drive

    Why do I want to do this? I have said this before, too. It’s because these ideas are conservative ideas. They are the conservative justifications for their political agenda. As such, they have no value for those who want real justice.

  • Whipping Ourselves and Weeping

    Whipping Ourselves and Weeping

    This broad tendency among the Western left, from the end of the French Revolution to the present day, is fueled by an impulse towards self-flagellation. The question then is: why does the left feel the need to lash itself in penance? This is not a thorough study but I have been thinking about this for…

  • Palestine, Resistance, and Ressentiment

    Palestine, Resistance, and Ressentiment

    When trying to make sense of the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel, few among the supporters of Israel concede that Hamas had anything in mind but trying to kill Jews. The goals of the Palestinian people are always attributed to a hatred of Jews. Why is this?

  • Against Ressentiment

    Against Ressentiment

    Few concepts which Nietzsche developed have been less controversial than ressentiment. I view this as a problem. It’s not unusual to find that ressentiment (and its cousin bad conscience) are at the core of Nietzsche’s thought. It’s also not unusual to observe that Nietzsche was stridently elitist and aristocratic. It’s interesting, then, that people never…

  • Aphorism 7 – The Good King

    Aphorism 7 – The Good King

    When discussing Nietzsche and ressentiment, those who want to save Nietzsche often make the point that ressentiment is a key part of the idea of justice. In response, I would like to tell a story about The Good King. There once was a good king. One day, a man came to him and said that…

  • Aphorism 4 – Nietzsche on Jewish People

    Aphorism 4 – Nietzsche on Jewish People

    I expect that it will be some time until I can do a full treatment on this, but I want to make my case in brief just so I can say I made it. The case I want to make is that Nietzsche was an antisemite. I feel it’s important to make this case because…

  • Aphorism 1 – Ressentiment

    Aphorism 1 – Ressentiment

    If Nietzsche gets to misapply the word aphorism then I’m going to do it, too. I’ve heard about the bird of prey, let’s say a hawk, and the lamb. I have questions. Let’s say that the hawk has eaten too much so it’s slow, or that the lamb that he’s following is very fast, and…