Journal of Cogency

For the philosophical study of social power

Tag: foucault

  • Juice: Will to Power and al-Kindi’s Stellar Rays

    Juice: Will to Power and al-Kindi’s Stellar Rays

    The concept of Juice is meant to help model how all interpersonal interactions work on an individual level: how does one person persuade another, for instance. Traditional philosophy doesn’t seem to deal with interactions at this particular level; it deals in ideals and generalities. For this reason, traditional philosophy did not give me the tools…

  • Aphorism 3 – Genealogy

    I call myself an anti-Nietzschean but I must be fair. To begin in being fair, I’ll be fair to Foucault and many others in that I did need this pointed out to me (I can’t recall from where). Now to be fair to Nietzsche: in On the Genealogy of Morals he is not doing a…